Here is complete detail of education department Bhakkar jobs BPS 04. Education department boxer is inviting all those candidates who have domicile of Bhakkar district. In this article we inform you you about complete procedure of these jobs. If you are candidate from Bhakkar district and what to apply on these jobs then read this article carefully.

Bhakkar jobs of Naib Qasid

Education Department Bhakkar Jobs

Eligibility and qualification

In this paragraph we are telling you about eligibility and criteria for the jobs of Naib Qasid. We will also so tell you qualification for these jobs.

1. Application will submit their application secondary  or higher secondary  School.

2. For the vacant post of primary school applicant will submit their application to Deputy DEO.

All interested candidate it will submit their application before last date of apply.

 Bhakkar jobs 2022 Naib Qasid, watchman, security Guard

Education department Bhakkar recently give advertisement about following jobs. There are jobs of Naib Qasid, watchman, security Guard, Mali in different schools. These jobs are quota merit jobs and only candidate from district Bhakkar eligible to apply. If you want to get complete information about education department Bhakkar jobs BPS 04 then read this advertisement. Eligibility, criteria ,merit and age limit for these jobs are mention in this paragraph as well.

Check More Details

 Bhakkar BPS 04 jobs terms and conditions

In this paragraph we will tell  you about terms and condition of Naib Qasid jobs in Bhakkar. Unlike other government jobs these jobs are different.

1. Education department appoint its employees on contract base.

2. Applicant will submit his/her original documents at the time of interview.

3.Only  Candidate having domicile from Bhakkar are eligible to apply.

4. If a candidate apply on different jobs like Naib Qasid, watchman, etc. he will submit separate application form for each.

5. Department has authority to cancel ode lay this recruitment anytime.

 Education Department Bhakkar jobs Schedule 

Education department Bhakkar jobs BPS 04 complete schedule check here. In this paragraph we give complete interview schedule along with venue and date.

1.In tehsil kaloor kot there will be  interview on 26 January 2022. Applicant will call for interview in Govt boys school Kaloor kot.

2. For applicant from tahsil Mankera interview date is 27 January  and venue is GHS Mankera.

3.candidate from darya khan will give interview on 28 January at GHS darya khan .

4.Tehsil Bhakkar applicant will take part in interview on 29 January in GHS model school Bhakkar.

Bhakkar jobs BPS 04 final merit list 

After completing all procedure  of this recruitment department will make final merit. Final merit list  will also upload by education department Bhakkar. After department will complete this recruitment its display final merit list in education office. After that all selected candidate will be able to  check their name in these merit lists. Department will complete all this procedure at the end of February 2022.

Education department Bhakkar jobs Last Date

Recently education department has been announced vacant post of BPS 04 in different schools. These post are vacant in  different middle ,high and higher secondary schools. Most of these seats are vacant  in girls primary schools. All capable and experienced person from district Bhakkar are eligible to apply on these jobs. Last date of apply on these jobs is 22 January 2022. Candidate will submit their application before this date to the department. All application which will submit after due date will be considered as rejected.

Education Department Bhakkar jobs advertisement

At the end of this paragraph we give advertisement related to these jobs. We try our best to to make you able to access all information of these jobs. We are also give advertisement it at the end of this paragraph so that applicant can read for further information. If you want to apply you should must visit education [08:33, 12/01/2022] Amir Iqbal:  office Bhakkar. Applicant also contact on official number of education office we give at the end of this article.


Education department Bhakkar jobs Latest updates

Education department worker has been started work on this recruitment process. We give all important info in this article. We will also attach advertisement of these jobs at the end of this article. Moreover you can ask any question related to these jobs in comment box.