Omicron Variant Virus. People of the whole world's are concerning about the new kind of coronavirus called  omicron variant. We are trying our best to collect suitable information about this virus. On this page will update u some basic information about Omicron.

Info about Omicron variant

Omicron is a new type of coronavirus which is spreading all over the world. There are thousand of cases diagnosed by coronavirus

omicron variant pakistan latest update

Symptoms of Omicron

The symptoms of Omicron are similar to coronavirus here are some basic symptoms of Omicron.

1.  Runny Nose 

2.   Headache

3.   Fever

4.  Sneezing problem

5.   Throat issue

6.  Cold 

7.  Compare to coronavirus the symptoms of things like fever coughing or loss of smell are not its basic symptoms its symptoms are different from Delta virus.

Symptoms of Omicron

Omicron and vaccination

According to the research about Omicron the researches suggests that vaccinated people are less infected other than non vaccinated people. So in this regard the vaccination process will make faster in all over the world to avoid the alarming rate of coronavirus.

In which countries Omicron being detected

The WHO reported that virus is first detected in in Botswana and South Africa.

In November USA also detected this new virus in the December U.S also identified first case of Omicron

Later on the Asian countries like India Pakistan and Bangladesh also detected oma korona virus.

Some other countries also effected by Omicron. These countries are Florida, Alaska, New York, Texas, 

In which countries Omicron being detected

Precautions for Omicron

Vaccines are are almost best option for measure to protect people from this type of virus. People can save themselves from coronavirus if they follow SOPs like social distance hand washing and wearing of mask to avoid gathering. These are basic SOPs which can save people from Omicron.

How mask can save from this virus

 Regular use of mask in public places can save us from this virus. If people use mask regularly there will be less chances of Omicron as well.

Here one thing must be kept in mind that mask should use in under its expiry period so that it will helpful to save from any infection.