Teachers in all punjab Some golden rules of transfer policy. All kind of transfer of teachers are open on SIS from 14.12.2021.Previous years teacher transfer policy have been changed now single teacher can not apply as well .
STR is main factor which is follow for transfer and it affects on teachers transfer policy Some rules are made for transfer so that lack of teachers in school can be minimized.
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Some Basic Points Of New Transfer Policy Are Here.
1. At primary level there will be 3teachers must be remain in school. Enrollment of students is main factor in this regard at enrollment of 1-80 students 3teachers are necessary at primary level at enrollment 81-120 there will be 4teachers and if enrollment will 121-160 then 5teachers are necessary for school.
2. Teachers will never allowed to transfer out from school if STR formula apply. Transfer will be online and teachers can apply on their SIS account
3. Application will be submitted in due date otherwise application will not be entertained. Candidates can only apply on those seats that's are mentioned on their SIS account
Criteria for open merit
2. During due date of transfer teachers have rights to modify their choice about given school.
3. Distance form school
Candidates will be given 0.50 marks for each 8km from school and 0.25marks after 16km
4. tenure
5. Total time period of present school also count in merit how many years you spend in same school are important for transfer every year will be given 2marks as well
6.A teacher having less then 1year in present school will not be eligible for transfer.
Mutual transfer
1.if a teacher have only one year remaining service cannot apply for mutual transfer.
2.promotted teacher also cannot apply for mutual transfer.
3. Teacher who are applying for mutual transfer should must be same scale and catgary of seats.
4. At a time teachers can apply only one type of transfer mutual or open merit he / she cannot apply both type of transfer at same time
Now single teacher can apply for transfer