Sindh police jobs 2022 in Karachi Hyderabad and other districts of Sindh has been announced by police department. In this article you will have easily access by these job advertisement . Candidates will also get information about these post online apply about salaries and allowances and criteria for both male and female candidates.
Sindh Police job description
Info about Sindh police
How to apply for Sindh police department
The apply for these jobs is online . First of all candidate will fill challan form and submit challan fee in any branch of HBL and send this challan form with application properly
Application received after due date will not be acceptable and considered as rejected material
Application form that are not fully completed without challan form and and return application for every post will also be rejected
Apply Online Here
Advertisements for recruitment of Sindh police vacant posts
Advertisement for the requirement of post will be given in some national newspapers like daily Don, Karachi daily, Jang Karachi, in English Urdu and Sindhi languages. There are chances that advertisement will be given of of the posts given below on 18th and 19th December 2021 these jobs are
1.class.iv (BPS -1to 04)
2. Police constable (BPS-05)
3. Lady constable (BPS-05)
4. Non technical post
5. Menial staff